Anarchistická federace

Existence 2/2019

Existence 2/2019

We dedicate this edition of the anarchist revue Existence to the theme of house projects. We know this is not a revolutionary theme. But we are living our lives here and now so we are left with no other options but to search for such alternatives, which are allowed within this system and at the same time go against its tendencies to pursue profit, growing social inequalities and the atomization of society. One of the subjects we are forced to deal with every day is housing. Squatting was destroyed by the neoliberal system despite the argument that homeless people and empty houses should not coexist. House projects offer affordable community living and the application of collective ownership. Something like that is missing in the Czech republic. But we are not short of inspiration, for example from Germany, where similar projects like the Miethauser Syndikat have been thriving for years. The Prague collective Sdilene domy have been working with them and have managed to bring the concept of Miethauser Syndikat into the Czech legal context. This collective, whose members are also our friends, has also helped us with this edition and we include an interview describing their goals and activities. You will also find an interview with a member of a house project in Potsdam, introducing several of the projects that appear in the film Our House!, a text about the process of gentrification and an article about the problems this collective has to face. Also related are texts about two community housing projects which are tied to private property.

Outside of the theme we will reflect on the last 11 months of activities of the local anti-authoritarian movement, in particular at the actions in support of the autonomy of Rojava after the start of the Turkish invasion. As for international events, we look at a year of protest of the Yellow Vests and Mikola Dziadok writes about lessons learned from the repression in Russia.

The year 2019 was full of important anniversaries: 100 zears since the death of Emiliano Zapata, 85 since Nestor Makhno's death and 10 years since the deaths of Anastazie Baburova and Stanislav Markelov. It was also 10 years since the worker's revolt in the South Korean automobile factory SsangYong Motor.

We remember the “dharma punk” Noah Levine in the book Radical buddhism, which is reviewed in this edition. Other reviews include Anarchy works by Peter Gelderloos and Memoirs of an Anarchist by Anna Garasjovova. You will also find texts about the books Brave women, The Birth of Counterculture, The Culture of Selfhelp and Heroes of Capitalist Labour. We also include 11 texts about contemporary issues from the street newspaper A3 and a column about the public and internal activities of the Anarchist Federation.


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