Anarchist Federation

Up to date (3)


Existence 1/2020

Originally we planned to publish two issues of our anarchist magazine Existence this year. We faced another situation right at the beginning of the spring though: the global Covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions it entailed. Many planned public events had to be canceled then… (more)

Existence 2/2019

Existence 2/2019

We dedicate this edition of the anarchist revue Existence to the theme of house projects. We know this is not a revolutionary theme. But we are living our lives here and now so we are left with no other options but to search for… (more)


A Call for Solidarity Actions February 22-29

We must not forget the anarchists and anti-fascists suffering repression in Russia! We are calling for people to take action of all forms to express support for these prisoners, to protest the prison system, and to spread information about the use of torture as… (more)

Existence 1/2019

Existence 1/2019

In its winter issue of 2019, the anarchist review Existence has set out for Mexico. We are remembering the 25th anniversary of the Zapatista uprising. However, this is not a historic topic as was the case with the previous issues dealing with the Russian… (more)

Existence 2/2018

Existence 2/2018

The summer issue of the anarchist review Existence is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the revolutionary events of 1968. Traditionally, in the Czech Republic this year is remembered in connection with the invasion of the Warsaw Pact armies; little attention, however, is given… (more)

Existence 1/2018

Existence 1/2018

Last year the winter edition of the anarchist revue Existence was delayed by a month due to the preparation of its new graphics. This year we are two months behind because we simply took our time and didn’t rush the process. Because of… (more)



Written elsewhere
