Anarchist Federation

Tags: Antifascism

Existence 1/2018

Existence 1/2018

Last year the winter edition of the anarchist revue Existence was delayed by a month due to the preparation of its new graphics. This year we are two months behind because we simply took our time and didn’t rush the process. Because of… (more)

Existence 2/2016

Existence 2/2016

The past year in Czechia could be characterised by a surge of fear and hatred, especially against people fleeing away from war and poverty. Despite the fact that this issue does not greatly apply to Czechia, similar situation is visible in all the Central… (more)

Statement of Klinika collective about attack on the autonomous social centre

Neonazis attacked Klinika. One person was hurt, others were in danger. Activists assume there's a link between islamophobic demonstrations that were held today and visited by thousands of people. Klinika collective is not afraid and is going to continue its activities. Klinika also calls on people attending such demonstrations to realize whom they are supporting by doing that. (more)

Written elsewhere
