Anarchist Federation

Up to date (2)

Existence 2/2022

Existence 2/2022: Anarchist strategy

For the autumn issue of the anarchist revue Existence, we have chosen "anarchist strategy" as the main theme. Even in the past, we had considered it important for us to focus on the question of the formation of anarchist politics, attitudes towards specific issues… (more)

Existence 1/2022

Existence 1/2022: Despite the invasion

We wanted to dedicate this issue of Existence originally to the situation in Belarus and how its dictatorial regime is crushing the anarchist movement. Eventually, current events caught up with us when Putin launched his imperial invasion of Ukraine. We felt the need to… (more)

Existence 2/2021

Existence 2/2021: Paris Commune

This year’s first issue of Existence has been dedicated to 100th anniversary of the death of the anarchist thinker Petr Kropotkin, and the second one is of a historical nature as well – this time we’ve focused on the Paris Commune, as it… (more)



Written elsewhere
