Anarchist Federation

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Existence # 1/2024

There is an ongoing discussion within the Anarchist Federation (AF) about gender balance in our media since the spring, when the issue dedicated to J. Hašek was published. The truth is that the majority of the texts published in our revues are by men… (more)


Anarchist May Day 2024

This year's May Day will be once again celebrated in style, in the streets! Once again we will enjoy together a day that is indelibly linked to both the struggle for the eight-hour workday and the continuity of the Czech anarchist movement. Even when… (more)


Existence # 2/2023

In the autumn issue of the anarchist review Existence we decided to devote ourselves to a seemingly mundane topic – food. However, when we will take a closer look at food, we will find out that it has a huge range of dimensions. It’is… (more)

Existence # 1/2023

Existence # 1/2023

We have decided to dedicate the spring issue of the anarchist journal Existence to Jaroslav Hašek. In January we commemorated the centenary of his death. Hašek is the most famous Czech writer in the world. His novel The Fateful Adventures of the Good Soldier… (more)



Next events:

IFA/IAF - International of Anarchist Federations
Web of Anarchist Federation Publishing House

Written elsewhere


2. Anarchistický Bookfair Brno

9. 11. 2024, Brno

Distra, přednášky, workshopy a mnoho dalšího …(more)